Living Water Ministries has been impacting lives in Africa since 2004, and the work we have done has taken many forms. Feeding hungry families, educating young people, giving gifts of hope during the holidays, village projects, and youth camps are just a few of the ways we strive impact the next generation.
The work we do across Uganda is only made possible by normal people, doing their part to impact the world. When we all contribute, lives start to be impacted forever.
Impact Partners give a monthly gift of $25 towards the work of changing lives in Uganda. We could not do what we do without this incredible community of world changers, we hope you’ll join us!.
Because of Your Generosity
Here’s How impact partners make a Difference
Every one of these amazing leaders is a direct result of your investment. Not only have they completed the three ministry steps of discipleship, servanthood, and leadership training but they have served alongside the ministry. It’s been exciting watching them grow and develop into the successful world-changers they are today.
In 2007, we had the privilege of meeting Price. She was a sophomore in high school. Through the years, she has worked alongside of us in the ministry, growing and developing her musical and leadership skills. As a full-time gospel musician and an anointed worship leader, Price is using her gifting to lead a younger generation towards living a Christ-centered life.
We met Agnes in 2008 when she was a student at university. She graduated from the Leadership Academy in 2009 where she not only recommitted her life to Christ, but also gained valuable leadership lessons. Currently, Agnes is working as the Managing Director of a thriving design company that employees Ugandan women and provides university scholarships for young ladies.
We met Franklin in 2011 when he began serving on the worship team. As Franklin attended discipleship classes and served alongside the ministry, we were able to pray with him and to help guide him toward God’s plan for his life. Franklin graduated from university at the top of his class. He is a Physician, facilitates Medical Mission trips and also owns a safari company.
In 2012, we were introduced to Justine. After a few years of discipleship and leadership training and faithfully serving, we helped to support her in a tailoring course. We bought a sewing machine for her and she developed a small sustainable business. She has since employed a couple of ladies and she is running an internship, training others in tailoring.
We met Richard in 2017; he was attending university. Richard not only completed the three discipleship and leadership steps, but he also began teaching these classes and raising up more leaders like himself. Richard recently graduated university as an Engineer and he is self-employed as a private building contractor.
In 2008, we met Nicholas through a discipleship training we conducted at his church. After completing that training, Nicholas joined the Leadership Academy and served as a mentor in the school outreach program. The Lord spoke to Nicholas about returning to his home village and impacting his community. Nicholas pioneered and now oversees two church plants and two elementary schools that the ministry partners with.