Living Water Ministries has been impacting lives in Africa since 2004, and the work we have done has taken many forms. Feeding hungry families, educating young people, giving gifts of hope during the holidays, village projects, and youth camps are just a few of the ways we strive impact the next generation.
The work we do across Uganda is only made possible by normal people, doing their part to impact the world. When we all contribute, lives start to be impacted forever.
Impact Partners give a monthly gift of $25 towards the work of changing lives in Uganda. We could not do what we do without this incredible community of world changers, we hope you’ll join us!.
Because of Your Generosity
Here’s How impact partners make a Difference
Every one of these amazing leaders is a direct result of your investment. Not only have they completed the three ministry steps of discipleship, servanthood, and leadership training but they have served alongside the ministry. It’s been exciting watching them grow and develop into the successful world-changers they are today.