The Catinellas are passionate about reaching young people and developing leaders. After graduating Bible school, they served three years on staff at a thriving church in Michigan. Arriving in South Africa in 2004, they taught AIDS & abstinence education and other life skills to high school youth. Moving to Uganda in 2007, they pioneered a similar youth program, reaching 10,000 students in local high schools. Then in 2011, in the heart of the capital city Kampala, the Catinellas pioneered a campus ministry, targeting the nation's influencers: university students. Through their experiences of preaching, teaching, training, and worship leading, they have cultivated a gift for sharing the gospel and developing leaders around the world. Matt & Angela live in Kampala, Uganda with their two daughters, Alexis & Moriah.
2004: South Africa
Answering the call of God to go into full-time missions, in February 2004 the Catinellas journeyed across the Atlantic ocean to start a new life and ministry in South Africa. For three years, they served alongside an existing ministry, pioneering a school outreach ministry and young adult discipleship and leadership program. It was during this tenure that the Catinellas wrote a couple life skills curriculum, which have greatly aided them in youth ministry.
2007: Uganda
The Lord impressed upon the Catinellas’ hearts to move to Uganda after a short-term mission trip. Riding boda bodas (motorcycle), taking bucket baths, washing clothes by hand and going days without power was the new norm for their life in Uganda. With the guidance of a senior missionary (and long time family friend), the Catinellas charted a path of strengthening local churches by ministering on Sundays and teaching discipleship classes during the week. They graduated many congregants and saw the churches grow spiritually.
2008: School Outreach & leadership academy
Passionate about reaching and raising up youth, the Catinellas began the Leadership Academy. This program aims at developing young adult leaders to disciple youth in high schools. Upon completing the training, the leader then gets assigned to a school where they teach the life skill curriculum written by the Catinellas.
2009: Village Project
One of the Leadership Academy graduates felt God was calling him to go back to his home village to teach the life skills curriculum in the local high school and to start a primary school. Living Water linked arms with this former student and we’ve been supporting this project through relationship, resources and financial partnership.
2011: University fellowship
The Lord impressed upon our hearts to develop a ministry targeting the nations’s influencers – university students. At “Frayo,” we cross denominational borders so that students from all campuses will feel welcome. Young people can expect a genuine worship experience, receive solid biblical and leadership teaching and make new friends who share their Christian values.
2017: youth camps
Every fall, the university students look forward to a time of learning, growing, connecting and seeking God. We also engage them in fun games and activities and making new friends. These camps produce amazing testimonies of young people recommitting their life to Christ, discovering their life purpose and hearing God’s voice.
2018: Land purchase
For ten years, it was in the Catinellas’ heart to purchase land where they will build a youth center. In May 2018, God answered this prayer and Living Water purchased five acres of land in a developing community.
2020: sports fields
Currently, the sports fields for the youth center are underway. Sports is a great avenue for outreach and ministry. Once the fields are completed, intramural teams and tournaments will begin. Looking forward to the community outreach and spiritual impact.